Tuesday, 17 January 2012

A new SEO Glossary

A brand new SEO Glossary has been added to the website. Hopefully it will help you
understand some of the more industry specific terms that you see
floating around.

Wednesday, 4 January 2012

I've been making a pond with some great lighting

Ponds are pretty nice, if you remember back in the 90s every garden
needed a water feature and ponds and waterfalls are a really good way
to add this to your garden if you have the space.Well as soon as I had
the space I started sorting out a pond. I dug the hole myself which is
pretty impressive. I had a look around for some really cool looking
rocks and fish. I wanted a cool looking lit waterfall too which makes
a nice talking point. For the waterfall and to keep the water nice and
clean I found myself a nice priced pond pump that
would work with my sized pond. I really wanted to make a nice feature
of the whole pond and fish so I looked for some outdoor lights and
lighting options, again on the same site I found some pond lights that suited my needs nicely and lit up the best areas of my
pond while also being safe for outdoors, I really wanted to find some
that change colours too. Overall setting up the pond wasn't as hard as
I expected and once you get it all up and running its really awesome
and attracts the correct kind of attention. The fish look pretty happy
swimming around too.

Just got myself some Plantation Rugs

I've been making it a little nicer in my current work space, with some
simple decorating and neating up I've actually made the place really
comfy. We also had some issues with wooden floors which was causing
heat to leak in and drafts to get around and someone suggested that I
look for a rug to sort out the issue. I am actually not a massive fan
of rugs to be honest but I was shown a really nice website that sold a
whole range that I didn't even know existed and really fit my style
well and they've been amazing at keeping the drafts out. After looking
on the site I found some of their plantation rugs and picked out one that I liked and its been keeping my feet
warm ever since. The site I used was rug 2 you and sells to the uk and
I was looking through their range of cheap rugs as my budget was
limited. If you have wooden floors or tiles that aren't heated this is
a nice cheap way to keep your feet warm and snug. If you find the rug
slipping you can easily get some rug gripper plastic sticker things
(you'll find them on amazon and places like that) to stop it from